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Sirt municipal council: state organization are turning the city into a large jihadist stronghold.

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Tripoli, 05.02.2016 - Lana - The municipal council of Sirt , said that the conditions in the city are very catastrophic , and life is almost vanishing , due to Da'esh terrorist organization's control , and executing such radical provisions on residents , that has nothing to do with Islam. A council member - who preferred not to be named - outside of Sirt city , said in statements quoted by the French news agency 'AFP' , that Da'esh organization " is working on turning the city to a large jihadist stronghold , where it has imposed on schools , which are remained open to teach jihad". He added , that young pupils - females and males - separately , are learning jihad in their schools , while in the same time , their parents are receiving similar lessons about jihad in mosques and other places. In his statements , he demanded the national salvation government in Tripoli and Baydah government , to look at the tragedy of the displaced from the city to other Libyan regions , pointing out that , the city's displaced are exposed to marginalization , as he put it. =Lana=