Large exodus from Sirt city , escaping Daash organization behavior.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 3109102916 - Lana - In the last days , Sirt city had
witnessed a large exodus of the city residents , from areas
controlled by the terrorist organization Daash , for almost a year
In a phone call with - Lana - witnesses said , that most of the
displaced families had left the city to Jufra , Sabha , Bani-Walid ,
Tarhona and Tripoli cities , looking for safe havens , away from the
terrorist organization's behavior.
They say , that the families had to leave due to random arrests and
executions by the Daash , against city sons … as well as the lack of
necessities of life for months , as there are no hospitals ,
governmental services or banks.
Sources in the city , confirmed that Daash organization had arrested
more than 250 people in the last months , and executed ten of them
last week , as the fate of the others still unknown.