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Libya Peace Day Rally to kick off in Ghiryan.

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Ghiryan, 27.01.2016(Lana) Sports Council in Jebel Nufusa is to organize Libya Peace Day Rally to be sponsored by the Olympic Committee. Ghiryan youth, sports clubs, university, institutes and school students are to take part in the rally which will kick off Thursday from Martyrs Square in Ghiryan. Chairman of regional Sports Council, dr Milud al-Aswad said the rally aimed at sending a message to all parties calling upon them to demonstrate a spirit of responsibility, patriotism to reach a comprehensive peace across the homeland. He said the participants in the rally would converge into martyrs Square in Ghiryan wearing T-shirts printed on them " Libya Peace Rally" and carrying cards bearing their names. Then, they would set off in many tracks across the main streets of the city towards the Sports City in Ghiryan where the cards would be collected and prizes would be awarded. =Lana=