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Common Security Room formed.

Pulbished on:
Jadu, 20.01.2016 (Lana) Mayor of Jadu, Saed al-Badrani issued a decision providing for the setting up of a security room that comprise all security organs within the municipality. Col. Omar Saed al-Qalal was appointed commander of the room with permanent membership of head of security organs. The tasks of the room is to follow up the security issue in line with the laws in force. The decision authorized the room to form an auxiliary force from revolutionaries, and volunteers to be used in implementing any task. The decision granted the commander of the security room to designate or relocate the premises of the room according to work requirements . The decision also lifted social cover for any rogue person or group and that all department must cooperate with the room. The decision also named Khaled Saed Maghora as spokesman for the room. =Lana=