Ministry of Justice discusses work mechanism of UN Human Rights Council.
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Tripoli, 18.01.2016(Lana) NSG Ministry of Justice held broad
meeting Monday chaired by Minister of Justice and attended by heads
of International Cooperation, several civil society organizations
specialized in human rights, representatives for Public Liberties
Council and member of Kikkla Municipal Council.
The meeting devouted to rallying of efforts for the vision of
Ministry of Justice, civil society organizations on work mechanism of
the UN Human Rights Council' 's investigations committee set up by
virtue of Resolution No 28/30 dated March 25, 2015 related to the
Libyan issue.
They agreed at the meeting to consolidate the comments and
observations and crystallize them in a letter to be addressed to
relevant international and national bodies and prepare a
comprehensive report about the issues under considerations.
The participants in the meeting said they would work
professionally to uncover all violations and hold those responsible
to account.
According to the Ministry of Justice the reports of the Tunis
based committee set up by the UN Human Rights Council lack
neutrality, fairness and transparency, and it is about to file a
report to be submitted to the UN Security Council.