National Consensus Governemnt Set up Committee to Oversee Security Arrangements.
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Tripoli, 14 January 2016(Lana) The National Consensus Governemnt
Presidential Council on Wednesday announced that it has named a
committee of 18 members to oversee the security arrangements in the
Libyan cities in line with the political agreement brokered by the UN
in December.
The decision provided in its first article for a committee to be
set up to execute security arrangements.
The committee will be chaired by Brigadier General Abdul Rahman
Altaweel and 17 members.
The decision explained the mission for the committee undertake
including execution of proper plans for structures and security
forces including vital arrangements for leadership and control and
supervision of a security plan to secure cities starting with the
capital Tripoli in coordination with related security apparatus.
The committee is also to be tasked with putting in place work
style and code of engagement for the Army, the Police and the armed
contingents as well as the disciplinary measures and the follow up
and rectification of shortcomings.
The decision compelled the committee to file to the office of the
presidential council a regular report every three days starting from
the first meeting it held which it had to convene also every three
days from the date of this decision.