Environmental organizations protest destruction of Sebratha forest.
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Sebratha, 05.01.2016 (Lana) Environmental organizations protested
the destruction of Sebratha forest turning it into quarries by some
people .
In their meeting Tuesday with the mayor of Sebratha Hussein
Al-Dawadi, they urged for the intervention of the municipal council
to protect the forest, end cutting of trees and stop the quarries
from work and revitalize the forest to be a breathing place for the
public of the mucnipality and nearby towns.
The mayor pledged to take decisive actions to stop destruction of
the forest calling on the public to stand in one rank against
attempts aimed at changing the features of the area.
Director of media office at Sebratha Municipal council told Lana
reporter that the parties responsible for the destruction of the
forest heeded to the calls of the public and withdraw their
machineries from the forest of Sabratha.