Cultural and Civil society Office in Beni Waleed opens cultural centre.
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Beni Waleed, 05.01.2015(Lana) Cultural and Civil Society Office
in Beni Waleed opened Monday a cultural centre in Tininai town, 50 km
to the east of Beni Waleed in the presence of several officials and
those concerned with the cultural and literature affair in the city.
Cultural centres official at the Cultural and Civil Society
Office in Beni waleed, Ramzi Al-Sarari said the opening of the
cultural centre in Tinanai would contribute to the cultural work at
town level. He said the new centre comprises a library with titles
covering various fields.
He also said that more cultural centres would be opened in Beni
Waleed in the future. Veteran people of letters and culture were
honoured in this occasion and all those who contributed to the
reopening of the centre.