Sirt city and its suburbs suffer very difficult living situations and the nonexistence of basic services.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 02.01.2016 - Lana - The city of Sirt and its suburbs are
suffering from very difficult living situation , the nonexistence of
basic services, no communications and the closure of banks , since
the State Organization took control of the city early last year.
Eyewitnesses in the city said , that gunmen of the Sate Organization
have took full control of all institutions and utilities of the city
since the 16th of February last year , which led to a full stoppage
of these services , that the citizen is suffering from the lack of
diesel , gas cylinders and price increase , in light of the closure
of all banks in the city.
The eyewitnesses confirmed to - Lana - in a phone call , that these
situations led to the displacement of about one thousand families to
neighboring cities , to add the citizens' daily suffering , due to
price increase , and the high cost of house rent , as they can't pay
such rents.