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Bank Official Arrested for Illegal Transferring of Money.

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Tripoli, 31 December 2015(Lana) The Central Security Force in Abu Salim has arrested a man who works for the National Commercial Bank in Tripoli on charges of illegal transferring of money abroad. The head of the detection unit in Abu Salim Lieutenant Lutfi Al Harari told the Libyan news agency, detectives have arrested the director of transfer department at the National Commercial Bank in the act while he was performing a money transfer transaction via the Moneygram system with collaboration with two other clerks who were still being sought. Al hrari said 500000 have been retrieved. They were his reward from the foreign Currency trafficking abroad. Investigation was underway to round and arrest the other culprits in cooperation with the Criminal Investigation Authority in Tripoli. He said the Detection and Arrest Unit is committed to track down the corrupts who embezzled and wealth of the Libyan people. =Lana=