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Palestinian Prime Minister: Israeli Plans to Build Housing Units in West Bank Aim to Kill Hopes of Two State Solution.

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Ramallah, 29 December 2015(Lana) The Palestinian Governemnt has warned that Israeli plans to build more than 55000 housing units in the occupied West Bank aimed to destroy Once and for all any prospects of a two state solution. Palestinian information sources said the Palestinian cabinet has warned, at the weekly meeting in Ramallah chaired by Prime Minister Rami Al Hamdallah, that 'the plans which included construction of 8372 units in the area designated 'I 1' east of Jerusalem, aimed to isolate Jerusalem from the rest of the Palestinian areas, dismember the West Bank and prevent the establishment of a geographically coherent Palestinian state, hence destroying the two state solution.' The cabinet also denounced daily executions carried out by the Israeli occupation forces against Palestinians, indicating that the international community and the United Nations bear responsibility for the violation of the Palestinian blood through silence over the planned murder crimes, and withholding of the bodies of the diceased to cover up the execution crimes, and prevent documentation of the crimes in stark violation of international norms. =Lana=