Political isolation coordination: the Libyan-Libyan accord is the only exit for the current division in Libya.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 19.12.2015 - Lana - The coordination of the political
isolation , said that the Libyan-Libyan accord , which will be held
in Tripoli with a Libyan leadership , is the only exit for the state
of division in the country.
The coordination in its statement , refused what so called Leon
government , which was approved by the UNSMIL , saying that , what
had happened in the Moroccan city of Skhirat last Thursday was a
The coordination , in its statement , said that the parties who
signed the agreement in Skhirat , are not authorized , and this is a
clear encroachment of the GNC and HOR presidencies.
The coordination called upon all honorable people in the nation , to
continue protesting and demonstrating in all revolution squares , to
demand the rights and national constants , according to fatwa house's
statement in this regard.