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دار الافتاء الليبية تعلن أن يوم غداً الأحد هو المتمم لشهر رمضان ، والاثنين هو يوم عيد الفطر لهذا العام 1446 هـ ، وذلك لتعذر رؤية هلال شهر شوال هذه الليلة في كافة المراصد واللجان في كافة المناطق الليبية .
Lana News
Libyan News Agency
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UN envoy to Libya confirms the dialogue parties in Libya are keen to reach a political accord.

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Tunisia, 12.12.2015 - Lana - The United Nation's envoy to Libya 'Martin Kobler' , had underlined the concern of the Libyan parties to reach a political dialogue , to put an end to the crisis in the country. In a press conference 'Kobler' , said that the Libyan dialogue parties , are aware of the necessity to reach an agreement soon , to form a national unity government. For his side , the Tunisian foreign minister 'Tayib Bakoosh' , asserted on the significance of the agreement on a national unity government , stressing for both parties to make concessions in the negotiations , in order to reach a political solution. =Lana=