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Settlers Break Into Al aqsa Mosque.

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Al Quds, 13 December 2015(Lana) Israeli Settlers broke into Al Aqsa Mosque in Al Quds 'Jerusalem' on Sunday, entering into the compound from Bab Al Magharaba gate under protection of the Army and Israeli special forces. The Zionist extremist 'Student for the Temple' organization has called on its members to take part in the intrusion to mark the Jewish Hanukah religious festivities. Meanwhile, the Israeli forces stormed 'Al Aroub' Arab neighborhood in Hebron, searched homes and tightened siege on the area. The Israeli forces continued to lay siege to the Palestinian area of Al Fawar and the entrance to the town of Dora, they also tightened measures at the entrance of the town of Al Dhahiriya and Hebron opposite the settlement of Jajai, blocking streets with sand and cement barriers. The Israeli force detained a Palestinian man in Selwad and handed six others written orders to report to military intelligence office in the town of Betonia. =Lana=