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Brega Company: Three tankers loaded with gasoline dock at the ports of Misurata, Tripoli and Zawiya.

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Tripoli, August 23, 2024 (LANA) - Brega Oil Marketing Company pledged to end the fuel crisis in the coming days, indicating that the ports of Misurata, Tripoli and Zawiya are ready to receive tankers loaded with "gasoline" fuel on Thursday morning.

The company said in a post on its Facebook page that three tankers docked at the aforementioned ports, each tanker loaded with about 30 million liters, and will be distributed to fuel stations, noting that the delay in the arrival of the tankers was due to circumstances beyond its control.

In a post by the company on its official page last night, the company said that the "Anwar Africa" ​​tanker is sailing about eight kilometers from the Tripoli seaport, and is loaded with about 30 million liters of fuel.

It added that fuel distribution is expected to begin on Thursday morning, as the tanker's cargo will be transferred to transport trucks, which will in turn deliver the fuel to distribution stations throughout the capital, Tripoli.

On Wednesday, the head of the Government of National Unity, "Abdul Hamid Dabaiba", issued a decision to suspend the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Brega Company, Fouad Balrahim, from work and refer him to an administrative investigation.

Dabaiba's decision No. 370 of 2024 stipulated the formation of a committee to investigate the suspended chairman of the company regarding the causes of the congestion at fuel distribution stations, and the committee shall identify those responsible for it and propose urgent solutions to end it.

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