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Megarif meets with the coordinator of the Turkish agency TIKA.

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 Tripoli, June 12, 2024 (LANA) - The Minister of Education of the National Unity Government, Musa Al-Megariaf, met today, Wednesday, with the coordinator of the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA), Ali Bajnakgil, and his accompanying delegation.

The meeting, which was attended by the minister’s advisor, “Abdulsalam Al-Saghir,” and the director of the Center for Educational Curricula and Educational Research, “Saif Al-Nasr Belhassan,” discussed the establishment of a school affiliated with the endowment of the Turkish Knowledge Foundation in Libya.

During the meeting, the Minister stressed the depth of relations between Libya and Turkey, which have a strategic partnership and historical depth, noting that there are 14 Libyan schools in the State of Turkey that teach the Libyan curriculum and are affiliated with the Ministry of Education.

The Minister added, that the Ministry had previously signed, in September 2021, a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Education in the State of Turkey, expressing its hope to strengthen this cooperation with all countries, in accordance with the conditions, laws, and legislation in Libya, noting in this regard that, there are 70 educational institutions for Foreigner education in Libya.
