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Libyan-Italian coordination regarding the topics of the economic forum to be held on October 30 in Tripoli.

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Tripoli, May 26, 2024 (LANA) - The Preparatory Committee for the Libyan-Italian Economic Forum held its first regular meeting today, Sunday, with the participation of the Italian Ambassador to Libya and the Commercial Attaché at the Embassy.

According to the “Our Government” platform, the meeting was devoted to coordination between the Libyan and Italian sides regarding the topics of the forum, which will be held on October 30th of next year in the city of Tripoli, and the general perception of its details.

The Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs of the National Unity Government said that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Prime Minister of the National Unity Government Abdul Hamid Dabaiba agreed during Meloni's visit to Tripoli to hold a forum to support the private sector in the two countries and increase economic cooperation in all its fields.

For his part, the Chairman of the Business Owners Council Management Committee, Rashid Sawan, welcomed the government’s support for the Libyan private sector, the provision of activities, programs and projects that contribute to raising its efficiency, and his participation in the preparatory committees for these forums.