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Abu Shanaf discusses with Norland repercussions of the detention of Abu Ajila Masoud.

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Tripoli 13 December 2022 (Lana) Libyan National Security Adviser, Ibrahim Abu Shanaf, discussed yesterday with US Special Envoy to Libya Ambassador ,Richard Norland, repercussions of the detention of the Libyan citizen Abu-Ajila Masoud, in the US.

According to the communication office of the President of the National Security Council, the two parties discussed, during a phone call at the request of the National Security Adviser, all procedures related to detention conditions, where Abu-Shanaf expressed Libyans’ concern on the reports stated that Abu-Ajila Masoud was transferred to the US, for what it described as the country's authorities are prosecuting criminals in connection with the alleged bombing of Pan Am Flight 103.

Norland said that statements will be issued later today by the US Department of Justice and Secretary of State Blinken in this regard, stressing that the US respects Libyan sovereignty during the course of legal procedures.
