Guterres: The current crises in Libya, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan are complex but not intractable.
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London, 12 March (Lana) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has stressed that the current crises in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan are complex and dangerous, but not intractable. He made the remarks in his speech at the UN General Assembly on Friday at the headquarters of the International Organization in New York under the title "Our Common Agenda.”
"It is clear that we are now going through a vital moment in which we need pluralism. The worst war and refugee crisis since World War II has broken out on the continent of Europe (the war in Ukraine). Guterres said, adding "in the meantime, suffering continues unabated in Yemen, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and other conflict zones."
"These problems are unprecedented in complexity, seriousness and urgency, but they are not insurmountable, Guterres said, adding "those who drafted the Charter of the United Nations did not imagine what the world we live in today would look like, but they gave us a beacon that still illuminates our way."