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The Interior ministry's plenipotentiary instructs to maintain security in the liberated areas and cities.

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Tripoli, 08.06.2020 - Lana - The Law Enforcement Administration, Tripoli Branch, in the General Administration for Security Operations yesterday, Sunday, established patrols and security posts in Tarhuna city in order to maintain security, publicize it, control outlaws, and impose security control within the city. Through the work of these patrols, a number of outlaws who have stolen from within the city have been seized, according to the Ministry of Interior's media site, where legal measures have been taken against them and referred to the General Administration of Security Operations to complete the rest of the legal procedures. The Ministry of the Interior appreciates all the security efforts that are being exerted to establish security and stability and to control criminals and outlaws, so more effort and effort is made to lay the foundations of security and safety inside the country. =Lana=