Italy: The situation in Libya is dangerous and the military escalation will be paid for by civilians in Tripoli.
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Rome, 28.12.2019 - Lana - Italian Deputy Foreign Minister 'Marina
Sereni' on Friday said, that the situation in Libya is still very
worrying, and she warned that any new military escalation in Libya,
particularly around Tripoli, will be the Libyans, especially
civilians, who are its first victims.
Sereni explained that the contacts recently made by Foreign Minister
"Luigi de Mayo" and Prime Minister "Giuseppe Conte" with the leaders
of most countries concerned with Libyan affairs confirm the urgent
need for the commitment of the entire international community to
reach a ceasefire, and to prevent the interference of actors from
outside Libya, according to the Italian "Aki" agency.
"We assured all of our interlocutors that the main track remains a
political track under the auspices of the United Nations, with the
aim of striking a balance in opposing interests, and creating the
conditions of peace and stability that Libya and the Mediterranean
countries need," she added.
She noted that her country feels the responsibility to invest in
every possible political and diplomatic initiative to make the Berlin
Conference more effective and to resume dialogue between Libyans.
She explained that Libya is the main international file for Italy,
which is the country most interested in preventing further
instability and the deterioration of the security situation.