Local Government Minister visits Suk Jouma Municipal Council.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 3 January 2019 (Lana) GNA Local Government Minister,
Milad Abdulla visited Wednesday Suk Jouma Municipal Council,
accompanied in the visit by deputy minister for development affairs
and director of Governate and Municipality affairs.
The visit is in line with the ministry's keen interest in
municipalities and services offered to the public.
Local Government Minister held during the visit a meeting with
mayor and members of Suk Jouma Municipal Council to familiarize
himself with activities and studies and vision of mucipal council and
challenges encountering the municipality.
The minister inspected during the field visit all offices of the
municipality to see work progress within Suk Jouma municipality.
The minister expressed delight at the level of work in all its
aspects stressing his support to such activities to improve