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Inclusive Libyan Conference and First Youth Gathering kick off in Tripoli.

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Tripoli, 25 December 2018(Lana) Inclusive Libyan Conference and First Youth Gathering kicked off Sunday in Tripoli to review 'National Principles Document and Governing Values of New Libya'. The document comprises sixteen items to establish a unified independent democratic state that denounces violence and respects diversity as well as particularities with separation of legislative, executive and judicial authorities. it also advocates a state which alone has the monopoly over arms which its carrying or trafficking is criminalized by law. It also criminalizes discourses that advocate divisions and hatred so that national reconciliation be based on justice forgiveness, and justice, being the ideal way to strengthen coexistence. The first youth gathering was also opened Sunday themed; 'Libya to be built by its people'. The General Coordinator of the Libyan Inclusive Conference spoke in the occasion, urging the importance of the role of youth who must have a positive role in the forthcoming government to contribute to the building of Libya. It stressed the need to establish enterprises that accommodated all youth capacities to enable them contribute to state building. Several other speakers spoke at this occasion. =Lana=