Minister of Health Issues Circulation No 3 on Medical Treatment Rule for Non-Libyan Residents.
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Tripoli, 15 August 2018(Lana) The GNA Minister of Health has
issued circulation No 3 for 2018 on activation of the medical
treatment rule for foreign residents in the country.
The circulation stressed the need for the rule to be strictly
applied. The rule was introduced by virtue of the Cabinet decision No
153 of 2015.
It called on hospitals and healthcare directors to activate the
rule, and urged authorities in areas with considerable presence of
foreigners to open files for patients only after they produce a
certificate approving their national number or administrative number.
The second article has exempted foreign national who have leave
to stay because of the nature of their work, including diplomatic
missions and international organisations.
It also exempted emergency cases of foreign residents, and
foreign ships and airliners staff during their presence inside the
Libyan territories.