NOC praises Attorney general decision to issue arrest warrant against smugglers in Western region.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 12 February 2018 (Lana) National Oil Corporation
(NOC) has praised the Attorney General decision to issue arrest
warrant against smugglers in Western region. It reiterated support to
the efforts made by the Attorney General Office to protect rights of
the Libyan people against criminals and thieves.
NOC on its website explained that smuggling costing the Libyan
economy and the public hundreds of millions of dollars and those
taking part in such activities are working against the interest of
the Libyan p[people and causing suffering in the country.
NOC board said it would continue to issue reports about
smuggling operations by criminal gangs to the Attorney general
NOC praised to the prosecution and investigators at the Attorney
office and foremost head of investigations, Al sadiq AlSawiour for
their exceptional efforts to bring criminals to justice.
It said it look forward to arrest whoever acted criminally and
squandered the resources of the Libyan p[people and foremost Ibrahim
Al Judran and all those who colluded with him to incite and support
closure of oil ports.
It said arrest warrants are success at local and international