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President of Presidency Council receives French ambassador.

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Tripoli, 7 February 2018 (Lana) President of Presidency Council, Fayez Al Sarraj received Wednesday, the French ambassador to Libya. The meeting covered the political and security situation in Libya. The ambassador stressed at the meeting France's keen interest in realizing stability in Libya and looking forward for the success of the forthcoming election process which Al Sarraj proposed as an option to address the current crisis. For his part A lSarraj underscored the depth of Libyan - French relations, underlining the importance of elections and the necessity to be conducted on sound bases, requiring the House of Representatives to fulfill its commitments by issuing a referendum law and an election law too. The meeting also covered the economic forum to be sponsored by the French embassy in Tripoli next month to be attended by major French companies in various sectors such as energy, health and infrastructure. =Lana=