President of Presidency Council receives ambassador of FRG to Libya.
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Tripoli, 25 January 2018 (Lana) President of Presidency
Council, Fayez Al Sarraj has received ambassador of the federal
Republic of Germany to Libya.
The two sides discussed at the meeting which was also attended by
Foreign Minister Saila, and other German embassy officials
development of the political and security situation in Libya as well
as bilateral relations. The German ambassador praised Presidency
Council efforts to reach consensus among various actors of the Libyan
political scene and addressing recent security breach. The ambassador
also voiced his country's readiness to render support for the success
of the election process due to be held this year based on the UN
envoy roadmap.
The ambassador also expressed desire of some German MPs to visit
Libya, reiterating desire of Germany to develop its relations with
Libya. he also said the German embassy began measures for its return
to work from Tripoli.
On his part Al sarraj praised the ambassador and his team for
their efforts to develop relations between the two friendly country,
and said the security situation has been addressed and welcomed the
return of the German embassy to Tripoli. He also welcomed the visit
of the German MPs to Libya stressing the importance of transfer of
experiences between legislative institutions.
Al sasrraj conveyed his greetings through the ambassador to the
German Chancellor Angela Merkle.