Presidency Council condemns the two blasts outside Bait AlRadwan mosque in Benghazi.
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Benghazi, 24 January 2018 (Lana) The Presidency Council
vigorously condemned the two coward blasts outside Bait AlRadwan
mosque in Benghazi Tuesday night that targeted innocent civilians.
'In a statement Wednesday, the Presidency Council offered
condolences to the families of the victims, who fallen after this
terrorist cowardly attack supplicating to the Almighty for mercy to
the victims and speed up recovery to the injured.
It said such criminal acts contradict with the teachings of Islamic
religion and human values and principles. It called on all Libyans to
unify their ranks in the face of forces of evil such as criminal and
terrorist organizations;
those with dark ideology and rife with hatred.
The Presidency Council said it will render all its resources to
contribute to identifying the assailants, arrest them and make them
stand before justice.