GNA Foreign Ministry, organizes political planning workshop.
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Tripoli, 28 December 2017 (Lana) GNA Foreign Ministry, has
organized a political planning workshop themed ' For Drawing Up and
Implementing Successful Libyan Foreign Policy'. The workshop targeted
foreign ministry departments and offices to coordinate various
visions for all departments at the ministry for a unified vision.
The programme included several themes such as political work,
requirements of the stage, international cooperation and commitments
and coordinating domestic work for the foreign ministry.
The workshop organized the strategic and political planning
office aimed at laying down a common vision for political work,
promoting culture of planning at state institutions especially in
Libyan n foreign policy work.
Deputy minister of Foreign affairs said there objectives of the
workshop is to make use of experiences of the ministry's departments
and offices in foreign policy, hoping the workshop would enable
various departments and offices to present their views and proposals
that would enrich debate and produce fruitful outcome.