Ministry of Health Primary health care department says it would lay down successful policies to offer health services.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 28 November 2017 (Lana) Ministry of Health Primary
health care department said the development of basic health services
would lay down successful policies to offering health services.
Director of Primary Health Care Department, GHassan Kareem
explained that ' Development package of the basic Health Services'
launched by the programme to reinforce the health system in Libya,
is bound to help the health sector to proceed in the path to
improving health services quality.
' The public suffer from weakness and sometimes absence of
public services, leaving the public to bear the cost of medical
treatmnmet at home and abroad, and that the current crisis is an
opportunity to reform the health system.
Reinforcement of the health system in Libya is in cooperation
between Ministry of Health and the EU and the German International
Development (GIZ).