Sawihli meets UNSMIL head and hands over HSC response.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 28 November 2017 (Lana) President of the High State
Council, Dr Abdurrahman Al Sawihli discussed Monday with the Head of
UNSMIL, Ghassan Salama, development of the UN work plan on Libya and
development of negotiation on amendment of the Libyan political
Sawihli underlined at the meeting held with Ghassan Salama and
his accompanying delegation in Tripoli in the presence of second
president, Mohamed Al Meazeb and rapportuer Al-Ejili Abusadail, and
head of the committee to amend the political accord, Musa Faraj and
other members, the keen interest of the High State Council to go
ahead with the political process, and promote negotiations to amend
the political accord in such away to create a balance and full
partnership with the House of Representatives and to ensure selection
of the Presidency Council through full agreement of House of
Rereprenetatives and High State Council on equal bases.
The UN envoy, Ghassan Salama renewed UN determination to
facilitate arriving at a consensus between the House of
Representatives and the High State Council on amendment of the
political accord without marginalization or exclusion to end
divisions and unify institutions and form a strong executive
authority that lifts the hardship of the Libyan people.
Sawihli handed over to Ghassan Salama the detailed response of
the High State Council on the UN amended accord amending articles
related to the executive authority including reservations, remarks
and proposal of the HSC on amendment of the articles pertaining to
the executive authority.