Arab League takes part in Libyan crisis conference in Brazzaville.
Pulbished on:
Cairo, 5 September 2017 (Lana) The Arab League reaffirmed
importance of coordination with the African Union concerning the
Libyan crisis.
Arab League Assistant Secretary General , Hussam Zaki expressed
in statement today' Arab League's commitment to continue its efforts
to settle the Libyan crisis and encourage Libyan parties to finalize
implementation of due measures as spelled out in the political
accord". He also reaffirmed keen interest of the Arab League and its
Secretary General in continue collaboration with the Africans Union
and its high level committee including within the framework of the
Quartet Committee on Libya'.
Zaki voiced Arab League support to any effort designed to make a
comprehensive settlement of the Libyan situation and that it looks
forward to the outcome of the meeting.
Brazzaville meeting is designed to narrow view points among
Libyan parties and transcend the political stalemate hindering
implementation of Sukhirat accord and drive national reconciliation
efforts in the country forward.
The Congolese President, chairman of the High Level Committee of
the African Union on Libya offered a new proposal to help the Libyan
parties overcome their differences by hosting a preparatory meeting
for Libyan Reconciliation Conference in Brazzaville.