Fuel and Gas Crisi Committee Reassures Public Fuel Available at Reservoirs.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 9 August 2017(Lana) The Fuel and Gas Crisis Committee
has issued a reassuring note to the public that fuel was available at
the Company's reservoirs in large amounts.
The Committee said the tanker 'Anwar Al Nasr' docked at Tripoli
port, laden with 33,000,000 Liters of gasoline was discharging its
cargo to supply filling stations in Tripoli.
Another tanker 'Anwar Afriqiya was expected to dock on Wednesday
carrying 35,000,000 Liters of fuel.
The Committee appealed to the general public not to be yield to
attempts by suspicious media channels bent on creating panic in the
capital for their unknown ends.