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Social Contact group announces reaching final agreement to address all disputes between Meshasha and Zentan.

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Ghiryan, 17 may 2017 (Lana) Social Contact Committee for addressing disputes between Meshasha and Zintan held a meeting Tuesday at beni Khalifa municipal branch of Ghiryan municipality to draft the final agreements to address the dispute between the two tribes in a bid to reach an agreement that safeguards rights of both parties. Chairman of the Social Contact Committee and member of the Reconciliation Committee, Mukhtar Ben younis, told Lana that they agreed to draft agreement minutes to solve all disputes between Mshasha and zentan. He due to the efforts of good people from Meshasha and Zentan and other areas all issues were addressed and final agreement was drafted. The minister of Local Government welcomed the agreement between the two tribes and closing the chapter of the past, stressing that GNA would spare no effort in offering all necessary services for Al-Awinya. The meeting was attended by Ghiryan contacts committee, tarhuna, Zawia, Assaba, Jadu, Rehibat, Beni waleed, Batten Al Jebal, and Cyrenaica tribes. =Lana=