Central Bank of Libya honurs its former governors.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 14 May 2017 (Lana) Central Bank of Libya (CBoL)
represented by its current Governor Al-Sadiq Al kabier, honured its
former governors, who carried out their tasks with devolution and
loyalty during the past decades, in gratitude by the CBoL to the
efforts of those governors.
The honuring included, Rajeb Al -Messalati, Dr Taher Al Jihimi,
Qassem Sherlala, Dr Abdulhafiz Al Zelitni, and Dr Farhat Ben Qadara.
The houring ceremony came at the end of a workshop hosted by the
CBoL on 'economic policies, horizones and challenges' with the
participation of former governors, being national experts that
should be tapped into their experience to serve the homeland.