NOC refutes gas and liquid fuel shortages to power stations.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 14 May 2017 (Lana) National Oil Corporation (NOC)
dismissed announcement that there is gas and fuel shortages in
supplies to power stations and that supplies are according to agreed
quantities at Major Consumers Committee Meeting comprising the
membership of Electricity General Company.
In a statement in response to Electricity General Company's
statement on causes of load shedding which it attributed to shortages
in gas and fuel supplies, NOC said actual supplies are more than the
agreed quantities, and that NOC received no notification of shortages
in supplies from Electricity General Company.
NOC explianed that all gas fields supplyinmg power gas plants are
working normally with the exception of Wintershall gas plant. NOC
reassured in a statmnet the public about its commitment to pump
available gas and provideliquified gas on time for all plants.