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Team assigned by General Department of Coast Security sets off to Italy for training.

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Tripoli, 13.03.2017(Lana) Team assigned by the General Department of Coast Security sets off Monday to Italy for a one-month training on board Libyan Coast Guard 106. The team includes 11 officers and non-commissioned officers and 8 others for follow up and coordination. in Press statement, Col Shanbur said the assignment was in line with provisions of Libyan-Italian MoU on illegal immigration. Col Shanbur said the course would be followed by other practical courses for another month to train on navigation of the boat currently anchored in Tunisian Benzert port under maintenance. The 14 meters long boat is a high speed boat and appropriate for combating illegal immigration and organized crime. He said the boat would be commissioned end of May after completing two courses in theoretical and practical aspects, . He said the training programme is enshrined in the provisions of the MoU and the training includes 127 officers and non-commissioned officers in various specialties. It would be followed by other courses of naval boats 14-35 meters long. Coast Guard Security Department has a fleet of fast boats, three of them 14 meters long, one 22 meters long and two boats 35 meters long. =Lana=