Celebrations of 6th anniversary of 17th February Revolution kicks off.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 15.02.2017(Lana) Celebrations of 6th anniversary of
17th February Revolution that got Libya rid of dictatorship to kick
off Wednesday.
The committee assigned to oversee the celebrations due to kick
off Wednesday said; the torch will set off from the Martyrs Square
along with sports activities and a fair for 17th February events and
fair for vintage cars and motorbikes.
The Thursday events would include local customs parade, and
folklore and Malwf performance, it added.
The celebration on Friday would be culminated by a parade of
troops accompanied by speeches and poems marking the occasion.
Decorations of Tripoli roads and streets already began as
national flags and placards expressing joy of the occasion were
hoisted at various institutions.