Msahel Reaffirms That Libyans Only Can Resolve Crisis Through Comprehensive Dialogue and National Reconciliation.
Pulbished on:
Cairo, 22 January 2017(Lana) the Algerian Minister in Charge of
Maghreb, Arab League and AU Affairs Abdul Gader Msahel has
re-affirmed that the solution of the Libyan crisis lies with Libyans
who can do that through comprehensive dialogue and national
reconciliation without foreign intervention.
This came in remarks Msahel made at the 10th Ministerial Meeting
of Libya's Neighboring Countries.
Msahel said 'everybody should encourage Libyans to seek the
points of consensus to reach a solution to the crisis within a
framework of dialogue and national reconciliation.'
According to the Algerian news agency, Msahel dismissed the
military solution of the crisis, saying the political track was key
because it enables the people of Libya to build strong state
institutions including the national army, police and security
Msahel welcomed the liberation of Sirte from terrorist groups and
victories achieved against terrorism in Benghazi and elsewhere in