Water Supply From Man-Made River to Western Region to be Disrupted.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 11 January 2017(Lana) The Al Hasawana-Sahl Al Jafara
Man-made River network has announced that due to a leakage at Al
Khoms station which forces the disruption of services to the western
region, water supplies would regrettably be cut off for 5 days.
The Man-made River Services said in a statement the disruption of
water supplies on the eastern pipeline meant that there would be no
water supply to most of cities and towns serviced by the eastern
pipeline including the capital Tripoli.
Maintenance teams have reduced the flow of water on the pipeline
in preparation for fixing of the leakage, which could take five days,
the statement said.
However, maintenance teams last week repaired a leakage, thought
to have been caused by sabotage work, on the station 426 on the
middle pipeline feeding the Al Gabal Al Gharbi region.