Saraj repeals all recent decisions related to sovereign posts.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 05.01.2017(Lana) President of the Presidency Council of
the GNA, Faez Saraj has repealed all recent decisions without
consensus and related to appointments to senior sovereign, security
and civilian posts.
In a televised address to the Libyan people broadcast on Al
Rasmya Wednesday, Saraj expressed respect to the proposed names,
pointing out the need for consensus, stressing that consensus and
competence cannot be compromised.
" The decisions touch directly security and stability of the
country, calling on all members of the Presidency Council to meet to
review the decisions and reach consensus and fulfill competence
criteria' he said.
'No encroachment should be made state sovereign posts and there
must be consensus on those who hold these posts by patriotic people
vetted according to competence criteria, without out partisan,
regional, tribal quota, or use of fierce' he added.
He rejected nepotism and favourtism by saying; " naming people
for those posts must be through merit'.
Saraj said; there are many examples where the Presidency Council
opted the approach of consensus, stressing that issuing vital and
sovereign decisions without genuine consensus or consultations among
the members is not conducive to national and public interest in fact
increases the divide.
'Being President of the Presidency Council, I categorically
reject that the council be a cause for killing consensus among
Libyans or be a cause for dashing their hopes for state of law and
institutions and implement its basic mission to pave the way for this
transitional period to fulfill the constitutional entitlement so the
country can reach the longed stability.