Electricity Company Cites Lack of Resources for Hours-long Load Shedding.
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Tripoli, 4 January 2017(Lana) The General Electricity Company has
said the long hours of load shedding which the company imposed on
consumers was due to lack of resources, a halt in execution of power
projects, shortage in fuel supply and the cold wave hitting the
country currently.
The power generation output currently is 5150 Megawatts, a
shortfall of 1800 Megawatts, an information source at the company
said on Wednesday.
The company is working on maintaining the production units and
transmission stations and entry of new generation units into the
national grid, to cut down the load shedding time which exceeded 10
hours a day, the sources said.
Engineers were working on fixing the fifth unit at Al Rweis and
the fourth at Al Zawiyah power station, which hopefully will lead to
less load shedding hours.
The company is suffering a huge power generation deficit which
forced it to employ the load shedding scheme on several cities and
towns across the country for periods exceeding 10 hours at a time
power is badly needed for students doing their exams and end of term
university exams, let alone the cold wave hitting the country which
had a negative effect on families.