Political caucus of Misrata representatives underscore that targeting civilians ends all hopes for political consensus to unify the country.
Pulbished on:
Misrata, 04.01.2017(Lana) The Political caucus of Misrata
representatives of HoR has underscored that targeting civilians ends
all hopes for political consensus to unify the country.
In a statement Tuesday, it underlined that the path of dialogue and
consensus opted by members of the group, is still the only track to
address the Libyan crisis and end the state of anarchy and fighting.
The statement held Karama leadership and those who carried out
this provocative act responsibility of reactions that could happen
and may threaten social peace and torpedo efforts for consensus and
co-existence among the Libyans, for which members of the grouping
paid dearly, according to the statment.
The statement called on the Presidency Council of the GNA, being
the supreme commander of the armed forces, to act decisively and
shoulder its responsibilities be it through efforts to unify the
country and end state of fighting and divisions, or by supporting the
legitimate military institutions to put an end to attempts to drag
the country and the people to the quagmire of bloodbath and chaos.
The grouping also called on the National Oil Corporation to
fulfill its commitments and distance itself from political
polarization and to prevent the use of its facilities and air strips
as launching pads for military operations.