Zubida warns against settling illegal immigrants in Libya.
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Tripoli, 03.01.2017(Lana) Profesor of international law, Dr
Mohamed Zubida warned Monday that the centers set up in Libya to
accommodate illegal immigrants in Libya are illegal, pointing out
that the specialized organ on refugee affairs is the UN High
Commission for Refugees.
Zubida explained in an interview with a Libyan Satellite Channel
that Libya has not signed an agreement on this regard, and the
presence of the agency in Libya is contrary to international law, by
exploiting the state of security lapse as some refugees were settled
and refugee cards were given to them.
Zubida said the settlement of refugees in Libya are related to
two plans; the first when UN envoy Martin Kobler spoke about the need
to amend the Libyan laws regarding asylum and immigration to put
pressure on Libya to sign the agreement on asylum. He said; the
second plan is related to the presence of two organizations in Sebha;
one Italian and the other a German one to settle African refugees in
southern Libya exploiting the dark skin population of those areas
beside Tabu and Taureg.
Zubida said the real crisis is the absence of state organs
facilitating the granting of Libyan identities to non-Libyans. He
pointed out that last week over 40,000 identities were caught for
individual with no Libyan citizenship.
Zubida warned against a demographic change in southern Libya, and
that the situation is facilitated by individuals residing in southern
Libya and means of subsistence were given to them, carrying many
threats in the future.