Al-Thulti: Presidency Council convenes meetings on resignation of Vice-President Musa Koni.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 03.01.2017(Lana) Presidency Council spokesman, Asdhraf
Al-Thelti has announced that the presidency council is convening
meetings on the resignation of vice-president Musa Koni, and is
making efforts to convince him to reverse his decision.
At his weekly press briefing, Monday, al Thulti also touched on
the financial arrangements regarding 2017 budget approved by the
presidency council totaling 37.56 billion dollars for all sectors,
which details are post on GNA website.
The GNA official spokesman said talks are underway with the
Central bank of Libya on mechanism to follow up policies as well as
economic and monetary reforms and foremost scarcity of cash at banks,
low rate of exchange of LYD as well as addressing inflation.
He said an agreement was concluded with the Ministry of Finance,
Central Bank of Libya on covering budget deficit for last year as
well as covering the required expenditure that included provisions to
cover pensions, treatment and salaries for the last two months of
last year for public sector including salaries of workers of public
sanitation, and water.