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Electricity Company Official Spokesman Appeals to Relevant Bodies to Intervene to Stop Repeated Assaults Tripoli, 20 December 2016(Lana) The official spokesman of the Electricity Company Ahmed Al Fitouri has appealed to what he called relevant

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Al Fitouri described in a press conference the Sunday night assault, carried out by an armed group on Al Zawiayah power station building and the forcible shut down of power transmission circuits as unprecedented, that could lead to partial collapse of the network or possible blackout in the western region. Al Fitouri said the Electricity Company's policy is to stay out of the political wrangling in the country, and is not responsible for the consequences of the armed assaults on Al Zawiyah station. Al Fitouri said the armed assailants forced Al Zawiyah station workers to switch off power transmission circuits which provide the Tripoli area with electricity including Al Zahra No 1-2 with 220 kilo volts, Al Hrash-Al Zahra 220 kilo volts and Al Zawiyah-Janzour 1-2 with 400 kilo volts. He said the assaults have led to generation activity to be scaled down, given that energy became un-transmissible because of the closure of circuits, and low morale of the workers as a result of the break in. He warned against continuing such acts which he said could lead to total blackout. =Lana=