GNA Foreign Ministry denounces armed attack on Russian Federation ambassador to Turkey.
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Tripoli, 20.12.2016(Lana) The GNA Foreign Ministry has denounced
the armed attack on the ambassador of the Russian Federation to
In a statement Tuesday, the ministry said; " The Foreign Ministry
denounces this heinous criminal act that is neither condoned by
divine religions nor by international conventions and norms and
viewed it a serious crime aimed at damaging inter-state relations.
The Ministry underlined the solidarity of the State of Libya with
the Russian Federation and its stance with the Turkish Republic in
the face of extremism, violence and terrorism.
The statement renewed the consistent stance of Libya rejecting
terrorism in all its forms, no matter how its motivations and
pretexts are and underline the importance of doubling the efforts of
the international community to counter all acts of violence and
terrorism that are aimed at international peace and security.