Arabic language day marked in Ghiryan.
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Ghiryan, 19.12.2016 (lana) Culture and Civil Society Office in
Ghiryan in collaboration with Libyan society for Public Opinion
Research organized Sunday a celebration marking Ar4abic language day.
Several papers were presented in the celebration hosted by Arabic
Language department, Ghiryan faculty of arts, three documentary
films, explaining the history of approving the World day of Arabic
language, and asserts the need to instill Arabic culture in ways
that project the correct facet of the language of the Holy Quran.
The speeches stressed the need to support teachers and
intellectuals to enhance the education of this language to assume
high ranks in the course of developing, and intellectual creativity
of Arabic language.
Head of media office in Ghiryan Culture office, Al sadiq Al saadi
told Lana that the celebration came to embody the history of Arabic
language regarded spring of Islamic cultures.
Several senior education and culture officials attended the