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Ban Ki Mon: Any Delay in Implementing Political Agreement Will Lead to Continuous State of Instability and Insecurity.

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Tripoli, 18 December 2016(Lana) The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mon has warned that any delay in implementing the outcome of the political agreement will only lead to continuous state of instability and insecurity. In a statement published by the official spokesman on Saturday on the passage of 1 year since the signing of Al Sukheirat agreement, Ban described the political agreement as a major event in the democratic transition in Libya, but said' it's still a long way to peace, that requires hard work and commitment. Libyans haven't got the stability they deserved, the statement said. One year after signing the political agreement in Al Sukheirat, the blishment of the Presidency Council which was transferred to the capital Tripoli, the rise in oil exports, and the progress made in crime combating, the country still is reeling under insecurity and political and economic and instability, the UN Secretary General said. =Lana=