Algeria Concerned by Lack of Security and Political Stability in Libya Paris, 15 December 2016(Lana) The Algerian Minister in Charge of Maghreb and African Union Affairs Abdul Gader Msahel has said his country was concerned by the lack of secu
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The lack of political stability in the neighboring Libya is a
source of concern to us at the highest levels, and also for the
presence of terrorist groups, Msahel said in press statements on
He said his country was working with all Libya's neighbors in
collaboration with the United Nations to promptly bring about a
peaceful solution between the Libyan political powers without any
foreign intervention.
The Algerian Minister said 'the absence of 'legitimate, strong
and just bodies only play into the hands of criminal groups.'
There has to be a central government that's capable to combat
terrorist groups based on its territory, he added.